Self-defense Advantages of Having a Hidden Blade in Your Pocket!

 A hidden blade is a knife concealed in an object that can be easily and quickly deployed in combat. The most common types of these blades are located inside the handle of a sword or sheathed in the housing of certain knives, such as combat knives, but other items have been adapted to become concealed weapons.

The most common type of this blade is the sword-based variety that uses a hilt with a slot for holding a sharpened blade, which is covered by crossguards to hide it from an opponent's view. The advantage of this design is that even when held exposed at waist level on one hand, it can then be drawn and placed into use by the other hand with minimal effort expended.

Defensive Advantages of Hidden Blade:

A hidden blade can be used for many different types of self-defense situations. The most prevalent type is using it as a tool to break an attacker's nose or jaw in order to incapacitate them quickly. The following is a list of the top five self-defense advantages of this blade. These are blades that are built into or attached to items in your everyday life, like pens, wallets, and clothing.

1. Quick and Easy Access

A concealed weapon can be accessed easily while you are walking, shopping, going to work, standing in a line-up for your driver's license, etc. This is critical because you don't want to have to use it, but if you need it in a self-defense situation, having immediate access is important. 

2. Rapid Deployment 

When used properly, this blade can be deployed very quickly and can be used on your opponent before they even know what happened.

3. Successful Intimidation Factor

A concealed weapon gives you an advantage when dealing with an aggressive attacker by intimidating them into realizing that they have bitten off more than they can chew and backing down fast before things get bloody or worse.

4. Visibility Factor 

When used correctly, a concealed blade has very little 'basket weaving' with your other items while out and about. On the other hand, if used in a negative way (such as attempting to conceal a weapon in a large bag or jacket), it can severely hinder your ability to move freely. 

5. Fear Factor

A hidden blade can instill fear in an attacker by disabling them quickly and effectively so they become nervous about even approaching you in the first place.

As seen above, most of the advantages listed are based on the possibility of using the knife for self-defense. In this case, the knife is not actual self-defense, but rather a tool that is used to defend. There are also disadvantages to having a blade in your pocket.

1. A concealed blade can be easily discovered during a pat down by law enforcement and used as evidence against you in court. Having a concealed blade on your person could result in criminal charges being brought against you if caught by police, such as carrying a concealed weapon, which most states have laws against (in the U.S.). Other countries may look at it differently though.

2. A concealed blade can be used against you by an attacker to get your weapon away from you. Keeping it in your hands is very important to prevent this.

3. A concealed blade can also be used on you by an attacker in order to cut or stab you and leave a wound that will cause unnecessary blood loss and possibly slow healing time, which could result in death.

4. If someone has a hidden blade on them for self-defense, when using it against an attacker they may become overly confident and not realize the power their opponent still has over them until they are wounded themselves or even killed. This is one of the major disadvantages of self-defense as well as having a concealed blade with you at all times.

5. A person can become slightly paranoid about carrying a concealed blade with them at all times because of the possibility that it could be used against them when they need it most. This is not the mentality you want to carry with you when you are trying to remain calm and composed in any situation.

6. Some small knives are not made for stabbing, only slashing, which may create an unwanted injury or wound on the person using it in self-defense.

7. A person can become too reliant on having a concealed blade and find themselves unprepared in a situation where they might need to protect themselves without one at their disposal or have no other choice but to fight back without one.


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